Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 20 20/01/10 last day of holidays

 New job begins tomorrow so I bottled plums, cleaned cupboards, vacuumed, gardened and generally tried to keep busy and not freak out about what is happening. Stay calm ,,,,,,,,,, then I helped Pam with her new iphone - she's a little techy gal  that Pammie. Wonder what I will photograph tomorrow?


  1. Well you did a good job putting tomorrow out of your mind for most of today and now it is nearly here and you will be fine. Best wishes for the first day of your new journey, you will not look back. Thanks so much for your help today, it was sorely needed if I am to keep up my techy know how.

  2. Best wishes for this next chapter of your life. We Are sure you will do well.
